Tuesday, March 26, 2013

For Whom Is College Being Reinvented?: Literature Review Blog #4

Carlson, S., & Blumenstyk, G. (2012). For whom is college being reinvented? Chronicle of Higher Education, , 0-0. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/1312422944?accountid=13626

This reading primarily goes about what the problems of college are and what the possible solutions are. It goes about by discussing the positives and negatives of MOOCs, badges, and etc. and states their limitations. At a convention with the best and brightest when it comes to college reform when discussing the methods of how college should be restructured they had to first answer the question who specifically are they attempting to reinvent college for. When one acknowledges the fact that education leading up to college is a mess and the cost and effectiveness of college contains deep socioeconomic challenges it is difficult to tailor a perfect system, so one must discuss who the system leans towards if at all. 

Goldie Blumenstyk has been an editor at The Chronicle of Higher Education since 1988. Blumenstyk is known nationally for her expertise on for-profit higher education, college finances, and university patents and the commercialization of academic research. Blumenstyk is a frequent speaker at higher-education industry conferences, at events designed for members of the new media, and as a guest on radio and public-television shows. All of this information has been retrieved from her bio on The Chronicle of Higher Education. 

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